Requirements in any kind of IT-based engineering programme are difficult. The bigger the programme, the more difficult they are. This may seem paradoxical in world in which Google, Amazon and eBay are delivering high performance IT-driven businesses to massive audiences. Why is that?
I think there are three major reasons for this.
The first is the predilection for big-bang approaches with large programmes. This seems to be particularly prevalent in public sector programmes, where IT is driving business transformation, such as Aspire, NPfIT and DII. By adopting a big-bang approach it is not possible to attempt to scale up ideas from agile development around getting something working and then improving on it in stages. Conversely Google et al typically introduce new products and services initially to limited audiences as betas (e.g. gmail) and only gradually increase functionality until sufficient stability for full release has been reached.
The next reason, may be peculiarly British. The UK Office of Government Commerce has mandated the use of output-based specifications for procurement of large programmes. This is fine in itself since this approach ensures focus is maintained on end-user business benefits. However output-based specifications are not engineering requirements, so delivery of a service can not be measured against an OBS. Let’s consider an example to make this clear. The following requirement is from the OBS for the NPfIT, available on the Department of Health’s public web site.
The service shall be secure and confidential, and only accessible on a need-to-know basis to authorised users.
In the absence of precise definitions of “secure”, “confidential” and “need-to-know” this is a vacuous statement!
(Note that it may appear that I have selected this requirement as an extreme example in order to demonstrate the point, but in fact I chose this at random.)
I’m not suggesting that the requirements against which programmes are procured should go in to engineering levels of detail, but conversely these requirements are inadequate as a basis for engineering delivery. The approach that I have seen at first hand, and which worked successfully, is to use such OBS style requirements as the starting point for requirements elaboration. For a particular release of a service, the requirement should be elaborated to the degree that it is testable and implementable, and that should be agreed between customer and supplier as the basis for determining whether the requirement has been met or not. In long-term programmes the elaboration may alter over time (for example an encryption algorithm which was secure 10 years ago may not be secure today). The essence is that the OBS expresses the spirit of the requirements rather than the details; procurement requirements are not the same thing as engineering requirements.
The final reason is the use of COTS packages for delivery of such programmes. The challenge is that the delivered requirements depend totally on the capability of the COTS package. This is more an issue for business processes, since these tend to be intrinsic to specific packages. This is another reason why ideas from agile development can not be reused. Also, picking up on the previous point, the vagueness of an OBS means that the customer and COTS vendor could have very different (but equally valid) interpretations of what a requirement means.
Is this a real problem? Well, judge for yourself the success of these large programmes...
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